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Nicola Furrie Murphy was brought up a stone's throw away from Nan Shepherd's home in Cults, Aberdeen and lives in the coastal town of Stonehaven. She writes prose and poetry, an tries her han wi a smatterin o Scots. Her work has appeared in Poets’ Republic, Pushing out the Boat, Poetry Scotland, and on BBC Scotland. She is a member of Mearns Writers and along with fellow members, is compiling a Doric pamphlet, Mair Northren Nummers.

A dug, a lead,
his bird n her kerb

Nicola Furrie Murphy

(After Françoise Villon’s Le Petit Testament, 1456)


To the Rt Hon Andrew Bowie, I bequeath

my kohl eyeliner to draw a Smokey and the Bandit

royal blue line, unner yer een, lik ‘Waity Katie’.

Wait on faur yon coveted Cabinet position, even tho

we’ve lang since drained Coffey dregs, still unner

Secretary poodle, bow wow.


To the aforementioned Mr Bowie, dept o Net Zero,

I also bequeath my wetsuit and snorkel so ye can

heid doon Sooth faur ye voted tae swim gawpit thro raw

sewage. A far cry fae Royal Deeside faur salmon loup

upstream; doonstream fowk ploiter thro shit that aye

floats tae the tap. Nae free lunch, nivermin a dook.


To yer bird, lead on Liz Lettuce, I bequeath ma

moonstone necklace so we nivver hae tae unsee

yon signature submission circle agin. Wi a name like Truss,

the joke’s on us, hidin in plain sight, a power Hunger moon,

fa cratered the economy, bringin us tae oor knees.

Nae Antoinette, hae Cakegate n eat it – neeps.


I bequeath my Bowie albums tae ony Rebel Rebel

oot there fa clamours faur Ch Ch Changes.

Yon hunky dory days o Bowie /Bowie ambiguity when

birds n blokes flocked thegither in alien fluidity afore

Tap o the Pops wiz canned makkin us aa spare

Harry Styles n Chateau tone d’F.


I bequeath my box set o Curb Your Enthusiasm

to onywan fa can stomach mockumentaries o

Tory twits n a black-mirrored non-dom panopticon.

I bequeath my cordless drill and crowbar tae onywan

Snaw White enough, fa hasnae shat their ain nest,

tae hae a crack at yon glass ceilin n Saor.

A dug, a lead, his bird n her kerb

A dug, a lead, his bird n her kerb

Nicola Furrie Murphy

To the Rt Hon Andrew Bowie, I bequeath
my kohl eyeliner to draw a Smokey and the Bandit
royal blue line, unner yer een, lik ‘Waity Katie’.
Wait on faur yon coveted Cabinet position, even tho...

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